Chemistry Computing Course Lecture and CourseWork Summaries

Lectures 1-2. 17 November.

Introduction and Objectives.

To introduce the aims of the course, and the skills to be acquired, including the use of workstations and Macintosh systems, experience with window type environments and on-line "hypermedia" documentation. Data entry from a keyboard and creating, naming, editing and storing computer files. Use of high level scientific programming languages such as Fortran 77 or 90 will be discussed. The course will also illustrate the use of graphical display packages and of computer networks. Skills at troubleshooting and solving various types of error will be developed and project objectives stated. (20 min)

Reading: General, Macintosh Computers, Workstations, Information Technology


Definitions of Workstations (Indigo), Personal computers (Macintosh, PC) and the Networks that connect them (Ethernet/Internet). Keyboard, screen, window, mouse and disk file management. The difference between operating systems and system commands (Unix), screen editors and editing commands (asedit) and programs and program commands. The structure of a Fortran 77 program; numbers, characters, variables, input and output from disk, keyboard or screen. Subroutines and functions. Compilers and interpreters. The difference between high level language source code, binary object code and machine executable code. Memory, real or virtual and disk. The difference between compilation errors, run time errors and algorithmic errors. (50 min)

Reading: Learning Guide; chapter 1

First Steps:

Log on using a Workstation or a Mac. Unix console command line, toolchest and Apple pull down menus. Creation of several windows on the screen and switching between windows. A minimised and maximised window. An editing window. Using Tab stops, the importance of columns in Fortran 77, the differences between upper and lower case characters. Recognising different types of problem due to Workstation, Server and Network, Editor, compiler, Program. (35 min)

Reading: Workstations

What to do in the First Course Work Session:

The objectives of the first session are to achieve Workstation/Mac/Editor familiarity and confidence. Excercises such as Log-in and manipulation of some simple windows should be attempted. Familiarity with how to browse the on-line documentation should be achieved. Create and edit a simple text file with a name such as first.f, practicing the operations of inserting and deleting, cutting, pasting and searching text, using the tab key to position the cursor at e.g. columns 1 or 7 and saving the file to disk. Practice using the the console ugfor command. Try to use electronic mail (Macintosh Netscape browsers only). On a Macintosh system, format a new empty floppy disk, configure Eudora on it, and practice sending e-mail and mounting the Indigo file base.

Lectures 3-4. November 24.

Character set used in Fortran (ie *, ', /, :, etc). Program layout: statements, special meaning of columns 1, 6 and 7-120, Comments, Continuations and Statement numbers. Program, Stop, End, Function and Subroutine statements. Meaning of names starting with I,J,K,L,M or N. Assignment of values to variables. Scientific (E) notation. Integer and Real (floating point) variables and converting one type to the other. Accuracy (bits, bytes, single, double precision). Arithmetic operations and hierarchy (+,-,*,/,**). Use of uninitialised variables and division by zero. (50 min)

Reading: Learning Guide, chapters 2.

Unformatted or Free-Format input from a keyboard using READ * and output of variables and text strings to a terminal using PRINT *. Use of DO loops and GOTOs for program control. Alternative use of IF and IF (relation) THEN/ELSE/ENDIF statements. Arithmetic operators (.EQ., .GT., .LT., etc). (50 min)

Reading: Learning Guide; chapters 3,4.

Course work:

Use the editor to create/edit and the ugfor command to compile and run a simple program. Learn to recognise the filenames and their qualifiers (.f, .uxe, .lis) and learn to monitor your Indigo disk quota usage by entering the commands
quota -v
ls -l
from the console or Macintosh Telnet windows. If the quota command shows that you have used close to the 5 Mbytes of storage allowed, you will have to delete one or more files using the
rm filename
command. Learn how to handle compilation errors by opening two editor windows and switching between them. Try for example writing code to see what happens when you divide by zero.
To do this, open up a console window (Macintosh users only, Indigo users already have one) by
If response on one machine is slow, try another. Try editing and compiling some of the following programs. If you click on the names below, the editor should be invoked automatically

Lectures 5-6. December 1.

Use of two dimensional arrays. Dimension Statements, Data declarations. Logical variables and declarations and logical operators (.AND., .OR.) used with IF statements. Using intrinsic functions (eg SQRT, EXP, FLOAT etc) and the meaning of arguments (the non-verbal type). (50 min)

Reading: LG; chapters 5,6

Character handling, string variables and their assignment and comparison. The meaning of invisible characters (eg ESCAPE) and the use of the CHAR function. The difference between Formatted and Unformatted (Free-Format) Output to the terminal. Using WRITE (*, n)/n FORMAT statements (cf LG p 49 rather than p 39). Formatted Input from the keyboard using READ (*,n)/n FORMAT statements. The meaning of and the difference between <CR> and <CTRL+D> to terminate Formatted READs from the keyboard. Setting up default values of variables. Implied DO Loops in READs and WRITEs. (50 min)

Reading: LG; chapters 7,8,9.

Course Work:

First, open up a console window (Macintosh users only) by clicking here or here. Try editing, compiling and executing several of the following example programs. Try to correlate what you type at the keyboard and what comes out on the screen! If you click on the names below, the editor should be invoked automatically

Lectures 7-8. December 8.

Using Fortran Input/Output to disk files in for inter-program communication. OPEN(c) statements. The READ (c,n) statement and error handling in reading from disk file. Using WRITE (c,n) to write disk files. Definition and use of Subroutines and User defined Functions. The RETURN statement. Passing arguments to Subroutines. (50 min)

Reading: LG; chapters 9,10

Modular programs and their development. Using supplied Subroutines and libraries. Examples of various Compiler/Linking/Run time/Algorithmic errors; the concept of a 'fail-safe' program. Make files for program development. Use of the Explorer program to display an array of data. Outline of what is required in the projects. Brief introduction to the use of computer networks for information technology, and the future role of "hypermedia" services. (50 min)

Reading: LG; chapter 10.

Course work:

If you click on the names below, the editor should be invoked automatically
  1. Try running SCREEN, a program that controls the appearance of characters on the screen.
  2. Debug the Karplus program and get it working.
  3. Write a short program to declare say an array A(15,15), fill the array with some interesting numbers evaluated in a subroutine or a function, normalise the array so that the values span the range -1 to +1 and write the array out to a disk file called horbit.dat with the format shown in the details for Project A. Trying starting Explorer and seeing if an interesting picure appears.
  4. This Polynomial program fits in a least squares sense to a general polynomial function. Most of it is written in "old" Fortran IV (actually vintage 1970. The first serious program HSR ever wrote!). A frequently required programming skill is to take such "dusty-deck" code and update it. Try updating the code by "reverse-engineering" any sections of code you recognise and producing more modern equivalents.

A Note on Hypermedia

If you are reading these notes on a computer, please note that any unlined word represents a hyperlink to another document. Associated with each pair of lectures is some course work. Here you will find various suggested programs for you to try out. If you click on their names, the program file will be downloaded to your computer and an editor ( asedit on the Indigo, BBedit on the Macintosh) will be automatically invoked. After any appropriate editing, the file should be saved to your local disk area. Select the SAVE AS item from the File menu, remove the existing file name (e.g. /tmp/blogs/temp0938) and replace it with one of your own choosing. On a Macintosh, ensure you save it as a Unix file on the Indigo file volume. After this, you can go to the Console or Telnet window and compile it if necessary. An Indigo workstation must be used for viewing the graphics generated for Project A, whilst a Macintosh must be used for viewing the spectral output from project B.
Copyright (c) B. P. Levitt, H. S. Rzepa and ICSTM Chemistry Department, 1994, 1995.
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