Class pmr.chemime.SwissProt
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Class pmr.chemime.SwissProt


public class SwissProt
extends ChemTree
holds a Swissprot file as a CMLTree

Probably not complete, but easily extendable

(C) P. Murray-Rust, 1996

Constructor Index

 o SwissProt(String, StringList)
reads a local SwissProt file and creates a SwissProt object.

Method Index

 o display()
displays the sequence automatically
 o getSEQUENCENodes()
extract SEQUENCENodes from PDB object
 o process()
 o showHelp()
display help


 o SwissProt
  public SwissProt(String filename,
                   StringList lines) throws BadSwissProtFileException
reads a local SwissProt file and creates a SwissProt object.
filename - name of file to read from (or title if lines != null)
lines - if lines != null, use this as file content instead of filename
Throws: BadSwissProtFileException
file does not correspond to the published format, or is corrupt, or we have misimplemented the standard(!)


 o showHelp
  public void showHelp()
display help
showHelp in class ChemTree
 o process
  protected void process() throws BadSwissProtFileException
 o getSEQUENCENodes
  public SEQUENCENode[] getSEQUENCENodes()
extract SEQUENCENodes from PDB object
 o display
  public void display()
displays the sequence automatically
display in class CMLTree

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