Class pmr.cml.SEQUENCENode
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Class pmr.cml.SEQUENCENode


public class SEQUENCENode
extends DrawableX_Node
implements SubAddressable
a macromolecular sequence. At present I have only tested it with proteins

I am still undecided as to whether to hold one chain per sequence or multiple chains. For example interchain disulphides cause a problem! Start with one chain per SEQUENCE Where do the FEATUREs then live??? Perhaps both under MOL (for molecular features - including interchain disulphides and active sites) and under SEQUENCE for chain-only features.

(C) P. Murray-Rust, 1996

Constructor Index

 o SEQUENCENode(String, SGMLTree)

Method Index

 o addSubAddress(IntRange)
 o addSubAddresses(IntRangeVector)
 o clearSubAddresses()
 o createAndAdd(SGMLTree, int, String, String, int, String)
 o debug()
for debug
 o display(Graphics)
used by the ScrollableTopLevel to paint the object, or can be used to draw the object to somewhere else.
 o drawFeature(Graphics, FEATURENode, int, int, int)
 o drawFeature0(Graphics, FEATURENode, int, int, int, int, int, int)
 o drawFeatures(Graphics)
 o drawIcon(Graphics, int, int)
draw a CML icon
 o drawSequenceString(Graphics)
 o drawVLine(Graphics, int, int, int)
 o getChainID()
 o getChainLength()
 o getFeatures()
 o getFreeBar(int, int, int)
get first free bar and reserve it for this feature.
 o getResiduesPerLine()
 o getSequenceString()
get the sequence as a 1-letter string
 o getSubAddresses()
 o highlightRegion(Graphics, int, int, int)
 o highlightResidue(Graphics, int, int)
 o highlightSubAddresses(boolean)
 o mayContain(SGMLNode)
can this node contain others.
 o mouseUp(Event, int, int)
action when mouse is unclicked; if not overridden, no action
 o process()
complex objects may require processing; override this.
 o process1()
 o showHelp()
display Help


  public SEQUENCENode(String giName,
                      SGMLTree tree)


 o createAndAdd
  public static int createAndAdd(SGMLTree tree,
                                 int parentIndex,
                                 String id,
                                 String chainString,
                                 int length,
                                 String convention)
 o showHelp
  public void showHelp()
display Help
showHelp in class DrawableX_Node
 o mayContain
  public boolean mayContain(SGMLNode n)
can this node contain others.
mayContain in class DrawableX_Node
 o process
  public void process()
complex objects may require processing; override this.
process in class DrawableSGMLNode
 o getChainID
  public String getChainID()
 o getChainLength
  public int getChainLength()
 o getFeatures
  public FEATURENode[] getFeatures()
 o getResiduesPerLine
  public int getResiduesPerLine()
 o display
  public void display(Graphics g)
used by the ScrollableTopLevel to paint the object, or can be used to draw the object to somewhere else.
display in class DrawableX_Node
 o debug
  public void debug()
for debug
debug in class DrawableX_Node
 o process1
  public void process1()
 o getSequenceString
  public String getSequenceString()
get the sequence as a 1-letter string
 o getFreeBar
  public int getFreeBar(int featureIndex,
                        int start,
                        int end)
get first free bar and reserve it for this feature. If no bars free, use the last one (nbars-1).
 o drawFeatures
  public void drawFeatures(Graphics g)
 o highlightResidue
  public void highlightResidue(Graphics g,
                               int featureIndex,
                               int index)
 o highlightRegion
  public void highlightRegion(Graphics g,
                              int featureIndex,
                              int start,
                              int end)
 o drawFeature
  public void drawFeature(Graphics g,
                          FEATURENode feat,
                          int start,
                          int end,
                          int featureIndex)
 o drawFeature0
  public void drawFeature0(Graphics g,
                           FEATURENode feat,
                           int x0,
                           int y0,
                           int yoffset,
                           int x1,
                           int lbar,
                           int rbar)
 o drawVLine
  public void drawVLine(Graphics g,
                        int x,
                        int y,
                        int dy)
 o drawSequenceString
  public void drawSequenceString(Graphics g)
 o mouseUp
  public boolean mouseUp(Event evt,
                         int x,
                         int y)
action when mouse is unclicked; if not overridden, no action
mouseUp in class DrawableX_Node
 o clearSubAddresses
  public void clearSubAddresses()
 o addSubAddress
  public void addSubAddress(IntRange ir)
 o addSubAddresses
  public void addSubAddresses(IntRangeVector irv)
 o getSubAddresses
  public IntRangeVector getSubAddresses()
 o highlightSubAddresses
  public void highlightSubAddresses(boolean onOff)
 o drawIcon
  public int drawIcon(Graphics g,
                      int x,
                      int y)
draw a CML icon
drawIcon in class DrawableX_Node

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