Class pmr.cml.FullAddress
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Class pmr.cml.FullAddress


public class FullAddress
extends Object
a full address consists of the DrawableX_Node and the subaddress(es) represented as an IntRange. At present it refers to a single tree (and an address is checked for validity, but it principle it could link different trees).
(C) P. Murray-Rust, 1996

Constructor Index

 o FullAddress(DrawableX_Node, int)
 o FullAddress(DrawableX_Node, IntRange)
create from a known Node and a known subaddress (which could be a single point for an IntRange n-n
 o FullAddress(String, SGMLTree)
create from a String.

Method Index

 o display()
display itself; works out the Node and then tells the node to display itself with any subaddress
 o equals(FullAddress)
 o getNode()
 o getSubAddress()
 o toString()
returns string of form MOL:2-31 or MOL:3


 o FullAddress
  public FullAddress(DrawableX_Node node,
                     IntRange subAddress)
create from a known Node and a known subaddress (which could be a single point for an IntRange n-n
 o FullAddress
  public FullAddress(DrawableX_Node node,
                     int address)
 o FullAddress
  public FullAddress(String addString,
                     SGMLTree tree) throws BadTecMLAddressException
create from a String. This must be of the form nodename[:start[-end]]: the nodename must exist in the object (referenced as NAME=nodename)


It checks the existence of the node in the Tree. it does not check the value of the subaddresses (except for obvious errors). It also checks that an object is subAddressable

Throws: BadTecMLAddressException
many possibilities! Non-existent or duplicate Node in address or bad subaddress.


 o getNode
  public DrawableX_Node getNode()
 o getSubAddress
  public IntRange getSubAddress()
 o equals
  public boolean equals(FullAddress fa)
 o display
  public void display()
display itself; works out the Node and then tells the node to display itself with any subaddress
 o toString
  public String toString()
returns string of form MOL:2-31 or MOL:3
toString in class Object

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