WATOC96 (WATOC96@vms.huji.ac.il)
Tue, 22 Aug 95 18:15 +0200




The purpose of the Fourth WATOC World Congress is to bring together
scientists interested in the development of various theoretical methods,
including molecular modeling, and their application to organic, inorganic,
organometallic, biochemical, and biomedical problems. The WATOC Congress
also is intended to attract experimentalists who may wish to employ
computational methods in their research.

Thirteen Plenary lectures, 40 invited talks and about 50 oral presentations,
as well as two poster sessions, are scheduled. All presentations will be
published in a special issue of the Journal of Molecular Structure
(Theochem), as is the regular practice for all the plenary and invited lectures
of WATOC conferences. About a third of the Congress will be dedicated to the
development of theoretical methods, a third to applications in organic,
inorganic, and organometallic chemistry, and a third will deal with
biochemical/biomedicinal theory and applications.

Plenary lectures will be delivered by the following distinguished scientists:
T. Blundell, D. Cremer, W.F. van Gunsteren, K.N. Houk,
P. Kollman, W. Kutzelnigg, K. Morokuma, J.A. Pople, H. Schwarz,
S. Shaik, W. Thiel, F. Weinhold, and H. Weinstein.

Invited speakers who already have agreed to participate include:
D. Avnir, M.V. Basilevsky, W.T. Borden, T. Clark, D.S. Dudis,
R. Elber, G. Frenking, J. Gauss, J. Gerrat, P.M.W. Gill, P.C. Hiberty,
S. Hoz, A. Itai, U. Kaldor, M. Karni, W. Koch, D. Kost, P. Lam, J.P. Malrieu,
K. Merz, K. Muller, S. Nagase, E. Osawa, A. Pross, P. Pyykko, L. Radom,
G. Richards, H. Rzepa, A. Sali, J. Sauer, H.F. Schaefer, H.B. Schlegel,
P.v.R. Schleyer, B. Schoichet, P. Schwerdtfeger, G. Scuseria, J. Skolnick,
R. Sustmann, A. Warshel

In addition to the scientific sessions, attractive social events are planned,
as well as a program for accompanying persons. Pre- and post-conference
tours of Israel (with possible inclusion of Jordan and Egypt) will be organized.

Visas are guaranteed to all scientists who register.

The Congress will take place at the Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza Hotel in
Jerusalem which will be the most convenient location for the participants to
stay. Several other hotels, located in the vicinity (within walking distance),
are available at prices ranging from about $75 to $150 for a double room
(including an Israeli, i.e., large breakfast, service charges and taxes -1995
prices). Prices for single occupancy are $70-$120 in the
same hotels.

A small number of rooms will be reserved in the student
dormitories ($25 per room/night - with no breakfast included).

Jerusalem may be reached easily from Ben-Gurion Airport near Tel-Aviv (ca.
45 min.). This is the regular airport for all international flights to
Israel. Taxis offer excellent transportation from the airport to Jerusalem
(about $45 for single, $10 for shared occupancy). Bus service is available
as well for ca. $5.

In order to receive circulars, we ask prospective participants
to respond to this announcement by sending us their full names, address,
tel. and fax numbers and e-mail address. Also, please indicate
if you have access to World-Wide-Web (for future registration, hotel
reservation, abstract transfer, etc purposes).

For responses and/or further information, please contact:

Prof. Amiram Goldblum, Chairman of WATOC '96
Tel. 972-2-758701, FAX: 972-2-410740 e-mail: watoc96@vms.huji.ac.il


Prof. Yitzhak Apeloig, Program Chairman of WATOC '96
Tel. 972-4-293727, FAX: 972-4-233735 e-mail: chdean@techunix.technion.ac.il

WATOC WWW server: http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/watoc/
Amiram Goldblum
Prof. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Phone 972-2-758701
Hebrew University of Jerusalem FAX 972-2-410740
School of Pharmacy email amiram@vms.huji.ac.il
Jerusalem 91120 ISRAEL
On-line information available via http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/watoc.html
using Mosaic or other www client.
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