STUMPE (STUMPE@SPINT.compuserve.com)
Sat, 28 May 1994 09:45:20 +0000

Re: Announcing a publication

Springer-Verlag and Science Press, Beijing, have jointly
published the proceedings of the International Symposium on
Recent Advances of Chemistry and Molecular Biology in Cancer
Research, Beijing July 23-26, 1991. That symposium was held
under the auspices of WATOC.

The book has just become available. In addition to the
text below, I would be prepared to OCR scann the table of
contents and preface.

Sincerely yours,
Rainer Stumpe

Q. Dai, Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing, PR China; M.-
A. Armour, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada; Q.
Zheng, Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing, PR China (Eds.)

Recent Advances of Chemistry and Molecular Biology in Cancer

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Recent Advances
of Chemistry and Molecular Biology in Cancer Research
1994. Approx. 400 pp. Hardcover DM 178,-; |S 1388,40; sFr.
178,- ISBN 3-540-57384-4

This international symposium on cancer research was the first
one organized under the auspices of the WATOC (World
Association of Theoretical Organic Chemists). Therefore, its
primary focus was molecular and theoretical biochemistry rather
than clinical medicine. Main sections of the conference were:
Biochemistry and molecular biology of cancer - Molecular
mechanism of car cinogenesis by chemical, virus or physical
factors - Metabolic fate and control of chemical carcinogens
Struture-carcinogenic activity relat ionship and other QSAR
related to cancer - Chemical factors in environ mental etiology
of cancer - Antitumor agents.

The book presents the proceedings of an international symposium
organized by the WATOC (World Association of Theoretical
Organic Chemists). Leading scientists from 14 countries re port
on modern theoretical considerations of cancerogenesis and -
Jointly published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York
London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona Budapest and Science
Press, Beijing, PR China
Distribution rights for PR China: Science Press, Beijing

On-line information available via http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/watoc.html
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