Saul Cooper



"Tripodal N-centred Phosphine Ligands towards 99mTc and 188Re Radiopharmaceutical Formulation"

The design and synthesis of novel bifunctional chelators (BFCs) for the incorporation of metallic radionuclides into target-specific radiopharmaceuticals is an area of major interest in coordination and radiochemistry. This is especially the case for the γ-emitting radionuclide technetium-99m (99mTc), which is not only currently responsible for over 80% of diagnostic scans in clinical nuclear imaging, but which also possesses a broad and versatile coordination chemistry from which can optimal donor set could be designed. N-Triphos (NP3R) derivatives present an underexplored class of tuneable ligand for application to the coordination chemistry of Tc, and its heavier analogue Re, with the potential to form well-defined and isomer-free coordination environments.

The coordination chemistry of phosphine ligands of varying topologies with a range of Re and Tc cores will be explored. Species that exhibit properites suitable for radiochemical translation can then be studied in the context of targeted imaging through in vitro and in vivo models.


I study as part of the EPSRC CDT in Medical Imaging between Imperial and King's College London. Beyond chemistry, I spend much of my time cooking, reading and exploring the cultural landscape of our metropolitan home. Come join me.