History and Traditions

  • The development of tetrazoles chemistry has been largely associated with wide scale of applications of these compounds: medicine, biochemistry, agriculture, photography, as well as corrosion inhibitors, components of gas generating compositions, and explosives. Although tetrazoles were discovered more than one hundred years ago (Bladin 1885), a systematic examination of this compounds was initiated in the latter half of the XX-th. century. The works of American and European scientists in this area are widely known. Among others we would like to select the following famous scientists: R.Henry, R.Huisgen, R.Butler, E.Lippmann, M.Begtrup, B.Stanovnik, J.Plenkievich, J.Elguero, M.Palmer, A.Katritzky. A considerable advance in the tetrazole chemistry has been made by Russian scientists.
  • This is the photo of professor Isaak J.Postovsky who initiated the development of high nitrogen heterocyclic chemistry in Russia [1]. Born: March 17, 1898; Dead: Nov 21 1980. Education: High Technical School (Munich), 1924. He was a disciple of Prof. G.Fisher. Employment: Ural State Technical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia (1926-1980). Honors: Active Member of Academy of Sciences (USSR).
  • During the last twenty-five years the following scientific schools to be specialized of this problem have been formed in Russia: St.Petersburg (State Institute of Technology), Moscow (Zelinskii Institute of Organic Chemistry), Ekaterinburg (Ural State Technical University), and Irkutsk (State University). However, fundamental aspects of chemistry of tetrazoles have been developed basically in St.Petersburg [2].


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1. G.I. Koldobskii, V.A.Ostrovskii, (Historical sketch) Khim.Geterotsikl.Soedin., #6, 857-858 (1985).

2. G.I. Koldobskii, V.A.Ostrovskii, V.S.Poplavskii, Advances in tetrazole’s chemisry (Review), Khim.Geterotsikl.Soedin., #10, 1299-1326 (1981).