BIG DATA mining: small molecule crystal structures
  1. >109,000,000 molecules in the world's disclosed chemistry
  2. 1965 - 2016: The Cambridge structural database (CSD)
    • >824,570+ curated crystal structure entries
    • Queried using Conquest, Python API
    • Statistical analysis using Mercury; display using Mercury, JSmol for coordinates
    • License: commercial for full database
    • License: 733 structures + Mercury as "teaching set" at no cost.
  3. 2003 - 2016: The Crystallography Open Database (COD)
    • >358,868 crystal structures.
    • Queried using SQL queries of a COD SQL server.
    • Statistical analysis using "R"; display using JSmol for coordinates
    • License: open
  4. A comprehensive survey of all sources of crystal data can be seen at doi: bcms