
Applets and legacy formats
This is a collection of XSL stylesheet fragments designed to convert CML to a variety of legacy formats, or to display it with various applets (used to build the demonstrations on this site). These stylesheets are 'open source' but please acknowledge their use. Thanks!

generic.xsl (31K) - NEW! - stylesheet able to display almost all CML *
datasheet.xsl (3K) - simple html data table *
jme.xsl (2K) - very small 2D editor (30K) , uses its own format *
marvinview.xsl (4K) - highly configurable 3D viewer / 2D editor - uses .mol *
marvinedit.xsl (4K) - editor mode of above *
jmol.xsl (2K) - applet version of an open source 3D Viewer (108K) - also needs AtomTypes (5K) *
sda.xsl (4K) - SDA 1.30 freeware from ACD Labs - uses .mol *
jspect.xsl (3K) - open source Jcamp .dx and .spc spectra viewer, Visua.class (13K) and ZoneVisu.class (14K) *
jme_format.xsl (2K) - CML2JME *
mol.xsl (3K) - CML2.mol *
xyz.xsl (2K) - *
jcamp.xsl (3K) - CML2.dx *
Select 'view' to display
stylesheets' effect here.
(IE 5.x only)