Using Bibliographic Software with Crossfire, WOS and SciFinder

New campus-wide software licenses allow all members of staff to install selected software on their office and research group computers. Before doing so, you must register its use via Courses in the use of EndNote are run by the library. Use at Home: Our current understanding of the Microsoft license is that you are allowed to install on a single computer at home for your personal use. The EndNote license allows it to be installed on any computer purchased within the College system, but installation on a personally owned computer at home requires a purchase of a separate license.

This brief tutorial focuses on the integrated use of Microsoft Office, EndNote, and three sources of scientific information, WOS (Web-of-Science, from ISI), Crossfire (from Beilstein) and SciFinder (from CAS).

Installing the Software

  1. You should first install Microsoft Office 2001 (MacOS), Office X (MacOS X) or OfficeXP (Windows XP).
  2. Instructions for acquiring and installing EndNote using Windows are sent when you register. MacOS Users should register, but then install the software from the Public Utilities Mac file server, in the applications/EndNote folder. N
  3. If the installation is successful, an EndNote toolbar should appear when you open Word.
    Endnote installed
    If it does not check that View/Toolbars contains an EndNote item (if it does not, try a custom installation of EndNote specifying just the Word menu items). Another observation is that the Windows EndNote installer appears to configure the program ONLY for the user you are logged in as at the time. If you are using say the IC domain to log in to the computer, a new User will not see the EndNote toolbar in Word. Check the contents of C:\Program files\Microsoft Office\Word\Startup, where the EndNote addins-should be located. Relocate them if necessary from the following locations:
    W2K: \documents and settings\$username$\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP
    In NT and W2k upgraded from NT or W95/98/ME: \$system$\Profiles\$username$\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP
    where $system$ is usually \winnt but could be \windows


EndNote has many complex options, and hence its behaviour may differ according to the installation. After installation, we suggest you set the following options to default
  1. Upon starting EndNote, it defaults to asking for the location of a bibliographic database. Cancel this, and create a new such database from file/new. You can now configure EndNote via Edit/preferences to load this database upon startup, dispensing with the startup dialog. You would probably create a separate database for each project you work on.
    Web of Science
  2. Select the output style as "RSC" ( A. B. Author, Abb. J. Name, 2001, 89, 1234-5678. ) If this does not show, go instead to "Open Style Manager" and then "Find" and select Chemistry. This shows all the chemical styles known to Endnote. The RSC should be one.
    Web of Science
    This will produce in-lined citations1 in numerical order (the default is the non-scientific bibliographic mode).
  3. To populate your database from WOK, SciFinder or Crossfire (see below) File/Import and select the type of data.
    Web of Science
    ISI-CE appears in the menu of options immediately, SciFinder has to be obtained from the "Other Filter" option. Crossfire should be imported as Reference Manager (RIS) format.
  4. You can use the Search option to located individual references within the list that appears. Selecting one reference will preview its eventual appearance in Word at the bottom.
  5. Select (highlight) the reference you wish to insert and switch to Word. From the EndNote Toolbar, select "Insert reference" at the appropriate point in the text.
    Web of Science
    Any reference you had selected in the EndNote database will appear as a numbered superscripted citation, and at the bottom of your document in bibliographic form. If you delete this citation in the text, its entry at the bottom will vanish. If you rearrange the order, the citations will automatically renumber.
  6. It is possible to link Disk or Web based eg Acrobat files to individual citations, and hence organise your Acrobat reprint files bibliographically.
    Endnote linking
  7. Other Bibliographic Software EndNote can export/import databases from other programs such as Reference Manager and Procite.

Web-of-Science/Web-of-Knowledge (WOS/WOK)

There are relatively few differences in operation between Windows and MacOS, which are noted in the text.
  1. Start WOS using a Browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape. You will need the ATHENS login ID (which will take the form iclXXXX, where XXXX is similar or identical to your normal College computer login ID), and the password set for it. Check all is functioning here.
  2. Once you have a set of references, Mark the ones you need to keep (or mark them all) and press "submit marks".
    Web of Science
    This causes a "marked list" button to appear at the top of the page. Press this.
    Web of Science
    Select "action for output", which then offers the option of "save to a file" (ignore the export to reference software option) pressing which should produce a file called savedrecs.txt (or a dialog to save the search if you are using Windows) or CIW.cgi if you are using MacOS.

Web of Science

SciFinder Scholar

This database can be accessed in two ways. Firstly, via an access mechanism known as IRIS provided by the Central library. This requires that software known as Citrix be first installed on your system. To obtain the latest version, go to the Citrix site rather than the ICSTM library (which appears to have outdated versions). To access this mode, you will need to insert your regular College login ID and password (i.e. NOT the ATHENS ID). SciFinder appears in the list of "Physical Sciences and Mathematics" titles, under "Chemical Abstracts (SciFinder Scholar)". If you get a dialog asking which application to use to open a document, select the Citrix application.

You can also run SciFinder from the application server, known as CHAS. On Windows systems Run Programs/Accessories/Communications/Remote Desktop (Windows 2000/XP only) and specify as the remote application server. You must remember to log out of these servers when you finish: do not leave yourself logged in, or just quit the remote desktop program without so logging out. You can also connect using MacOSX systems by running the Remote Desktop connection program (available on the Public Utilities X volume of the file server).

  1. Perform a SciFinder Search.
    Web of Science
  2. Once you have refined your list of desired references, press the "Save references" button,
    Web of Science
    and select the "tagged file" format.
    Web of Science


The Export option of Crossfire offers EndNote. Details of how to tune the export are available here.
(C) H. S. Rzepa, 2001-2003.