Class pmr.stat.Stat
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Class pmr.stat.Stat


public class Stat
extends Object
the superclass for (almost) all pmr.stat classes. there is little functionality, but it's useful to have a class above DrawableStat, since not all are drawable.
(C) P. Murray-Rust, 1996

Constructor Index

 o Stat()

Method Index

 o getTitle()
 o process()
most objects need some processing before they can be redrawn.


 o Stat
  public Stat()


 o process
  public abstract void process() throws ArrayTooSmallException, CoincidentDataException
most objects need some processing before they can be redrawn. This routine helps to make sure it is done only once and not every time there is a paint
Throws: ArrayTooSmallException
Most routines require 2 or more points
Throws: CoincidentDataException
Most routines require 2 or more separated points
 o getTitle
  public String getTitle()

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