Class pmr.sgml.GI
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Class pmr.sgml.GI


public class GI
extends Object
holds details of each GI such as its DTD (and potentially attlist, content model, etc. GIs should only be created from within DTD objects. GIs will manage the display instructions (a la stylesheet).
(C) P. Murray-Rust, 1996

Constructor Index

 o GI()
 o GI(String, String)

Method Index

 o addContentModel(String)
 o addSGMLAttributes(SGMLAttlist)
 o areChildrenHidden()
 o debug()
 o drawDefaultIcon(Graphics, int, int)
early steps at providing graphic hints!
 o drawIcon(Graphics, int, int)
this is just proof of concept - requires proper class loading via interfaces, as does the GI/DTD stuff anayway
 o drawNullIcon(Graphics, int, int)
early steps at providing graphic hints!
 o getContentModel()
 o getDTDName()
 o getDTDName(String)
 o getGI(String)
 o getGIName()
 o getSGMLAttributes()
 o hidesChildWithGIName(String)
returns true if name is in omittable list or displayable list is set and name is not in it
 o isHidden()
 o setChildrenHidden(boolean)
 o setDisplayedChildren(String[])
IFF this is set, then only these children are displayed, else it is ignored; toggles omittedChildren
 o setHidden(boolean)
 o setOmittedChildren(String[])
IFF this is set, then only these children are omitted, else it is ignored; toggles displayedChildren


 o GI
  public GI()
 o GI
  public GI(String giName,
            String dtdName) throws DuplicateGIException


 o getDTDName
  public static String getDTDName(String giName)
 o getGI
  public static GI getGI(String giName)
 o getGIName
  public String getGIName()
 o getDTDName
  public String getDTDName()
 o getSGMLAttributes
  public SGMLAttlist getSGMLAttributes()
 o addSGMLAttributes
  public void addSGMLAttributes(SGMLAttlist al)
 o getContentModel
  public String getContentModel()
 o addContentModel
  public void addContentModel(String cm)
 o isHidden
  public boolean isHidden()
 o areChildrenHidden
  public boolean areChildrenHidden()
 o setHidden
  public void setHidden(boolean vis)
 o setChildrenHidden
  public void setChildrenHidden(boolean vis)
 o setDisplayedChildren
  public void setDisplayedChildren(String giNames[])
IFF this is set, then only these children are displayed, else it is ignored; toggles omittedChildren
 o setOmittedChildren
  public void setOmittedChildren(String giNames[])
IFF this is set, then only these children are omitted, else it is ignored; toggles displayedChildren
 o hidesChildWithGIName
  public boolean hidesChildWithGIName(String name)
returns true if name is in omittable list or displayable list is set and name is not in it
 o drawNullIcon
  public static void drawNullIcon(Graphics g,
                                  int x,
                                  int y)
early steps at providing graphic hints!
 o drawDefaultIcon
  public void drawDefaultIcon(Graphics g,
                              int x,
                              int y)
early steps at providing graphic hints!
 o drawIcon
  public void drawIcon(Graphics g,
                       int x,
                       int y)
this is just proof of concept - requires proper class loading via interfaces, as does the GI/DTD stuff anayway
 o debug
  public void debug()

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