Class pmr.euclid.HashedVector
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Class pmr.euclid.HashedVector


public class HashedVector
extends Vector
A Vector whose elements are hashed via an internal Hashtable (StringSet)
(C) P.Murray-Rust, 1996

Constructor Index

 o HashedVector(int)
HashedVector will have case-sensitive keying unless ignoreCase is StringSet.IGNORE_CASE

Method Index

 o addElement(String, Object)
add Object using key (default case-sensitive).
 o containsObjectWithKey(String)
has key been used to store an object?
 o getObject(String)
return object with key key, else null
 o getStringSet()
return set of all keys (often the names of objects)
 o indexOf(String)
serial number of object with key, else -1


 o HashedVector
  public HashedVector(int ignoreCase)
HashedVector will have case-sensitive keying unless ignoreCase is StringSet.IGNORE_CASE


 o addElement
  public boolean addElement(String key,
                            Object object)
add Object using key (default case-sensitive). Returns false if key already used.
 o getStringSet
  public StringSet getStringSet()
return set of all keys (often the names of objects)
 o containsObjectWithKey
  public boolean containsObjectWithKey(String key)
has key been used to store an object?
 o indexOf
  public int indexOf(String key)
serial number of object with key, else -1
 o getObject
  public Object getObject(String key)
return object with key key, else null

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