
This is a data service provided in some halls and residences by Ericsson as part of a "PPP" partnership. To request the service, contact Damovo .

Please note that all arrangements and subsequent help are provided by Damovo, and no help is available in the department.

Software for Chemistry Academic Use

Part of the reason for having a computer in a College hall or residency is to enable you to do academic coursework there. This may require some chemistry specific software to be installed. Licenses for such software come in three varieties
  1. Free software, usable on any computer
  2. Software licensed under a campus wide agreement.
  3. Software specifically licensed to the chemistry department computer room
Items under 3 obviously should not be used on your own personal system, and you are recommended to consider purchasing your own license. Programs in this class include Mathematica, ChemDraw, and Microsoft Office. Norton anti-virus is covered by a site wide license, and you are strongly advised to install this!