MgO geometry input

MgO crystallizes in a cubic cell with a rock-salt structure. The crystal structure can be described as a fcc lattice of Mg ions with O ions occupying all the octahedral holes or vice versa. The rock-salt structure is the most common for MX compounds.
MgO is an important oxidic system in minerals, in defective systems as well as in adsorption phenomena. Therefore, despite its simplicity, MgO has been the subject of many research studies. 

From ICSD data to the CRYSTAL geometry input

Let us start from the crystallographic information you find on the ICSD database.
Here is the output from an entry for MgO in the ICSD database.
 COL  ICSD Collection Code 9863
 DATE Recorded Jan 1, 1980; updated Jan 19, 1999
 NAME Magnesium oxide
 MINR Periclase
      = Mg O
 TITL X-ray determination of electron-density distributions in oxides, 
      Mg O, Mn O, Co O, and Ni O, and atomic scattering factors of their 
      constituent atoms
 REF  Proceedings of the Japan Academy
      PJACA 55 (1979) 43-48
 AUT  Sasaki S, FujinoK, TakeuchiY
 SYM  x, y, z               y, z, x                z, x, y 
      x, z, y               y, x, z                z, y, x 
      x, -y, -z             y, -z, -x              z, -x, -y 
      x, -z, -y             y, -x, -z              z, -y, -x 
      -x, y, -z             -y, z, -x              -z, x, -y 
      -x, z, -y             -y, x, -z              -z, y, -x 
      -x, -y, z             -y, -z, x              -z, -x, y 
      -x, -z, y             -y, -x, z              -z, -y, x 
      -x, -y, -z            -y, -z, -x             -z, -x, -y 
      -x, -z, -y            -y, -x, -z             -z, -y, -x 
      -x, y, z              -y, z, x               -z, x, y 
      -x, z, y              -y, x, z               -z, y, x 
      x, -y, z              y, -z, x               z, -x, y 
      x, -z, y              y, -x, z               z, -y, x 
      x, y, -z              y, z, -x               z, x, -y 
      x, z, -y              y, x, -z               z, y, -x
 CELL a=4.217(1) b=4.217(1) c=4.217(1) alpha=90.0 beta=90.0 gamma=90.0
      V=75.0 D=3.56 Z=4
 SGR  F m -3 m      (225) - cubic
 CLAS m-3m  (Hermann-Mauguin) - Oh  (Schoenflies)
 PRS  cF8
 PARM Atom__No OxStat  Wyck -----X----- -----Y----- -----Z-----  -SOF-
      Mg     1  2.000    4a  0.          0.          0.
      O      1 -2.000    4b  0.5         0.5         0.5
 WYCK b a
 ITF  Mg  1   B=0.312
 ITF  O   1   B=0.362
 REM  M PDF 43-1022
 RVAL 0.013

The information you need to define the crystal structure is highlighted. Basically, the crystal structure is determined by the space group, by the shape and size of the unit cell and by the relative position of the atoms in the asymmetric unit.

MgO geometry input, derived from ICSD data, will be prepared and discussed, line by line.

1. Title section

MgO bulk: crystal structure from ICSD

The first line contains the title section. It can be useful to indicate the system in study and other relevant information about the job. The title section is printed in the output file, but it is not otherwise used by CRYSTAL.

2. Dimensionality of the system


The first record of the geometry definition must specify the dimensionality of the system.
CRYSTAL adopts four keywords: CRYSTAL, SLAB, POLYMER and MOLECULE, for 3D, 2D, 1D and 0D systems, respectively. In this case the keyword to specify is CRYSTAL.

3. Crystallographic information (for 3D systems only)

0 0 0

three integer numbers:
- convention for the space group identification: sequential number (0) or alphanumeric code (1).

- type of cell for rhombohedral groups: hexagonal (0) or rhombohedral (1).
- setting of the origin (see CRYSTAL User's Manual for further details).

4. Space group


It can be indicated either with its sequential number (0), as in this case, or by the Hermann-Mauguin alphanumeric code (1). In the ICSD file you can find both of them.

So, till now, the input file would look something like this:
MgO bulk: crystal structure from ICSD
0 0 0
MgO bulk: crystal structure from ICSD
1 0 0
F M 3 M

according to the sequential number (on the left) or the alphanumeric code (on the right).
Note: CRYSTAL adopts F M 3 M instead of F M -3 M for compatibility with a previous edition of the International Tables for Crystallography (see CRYSTAL User's Manual for further details).

5. Lattice parameters


The minimal set of crystallographic cell parameters is indicated (in Angstrom and degrees). For MgO, cubic system, the length of the edge of the cell fully defines shape and size of the conventional unit cell (note, however, that CRYSTAL works on the primitive cell).

6. Atomic position specification

12    0.0   0.0   0.0
8     0.5   0.5   0.5

The first line gives the number of atoms in the asymmetric unit. One line per atom in the asymmetric unit follows, to specify the conventional atomic number and the coordinates in fractional units of the crystallographic lattice vectors. These atoms are usually indicated as non-equivalent atoms, i.e. atoms not symmetry related. The whole structure of MgO is defined by 2 atoms. 

7. Closing the geometry input section


This keyword ends the geometry input section. Before ending the section, you may specify optional keywords to modify the structure.

The completed input file looks like:
MgO bulk
0 0 0
12  0.0  0.0  0.0
8   0.5  0.5  0.5
  1. Title of the job
2. Dimensionality of the system
3. Crystallographic information (3D only)
4. Space Group number
5. Lattice parameters
6. Number of atoms in asymmetric unit
    Atomic position specification in fractionary coordinates
TESTGEOM   Optional keyword to stop execution after geometry input
END   7. end of the geometry input section

The above material is extracted from the CRYSTAL TUTORIAL PROJECT: Geometry Input.

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