Molecular structure of CpFe(SnPh3)(CO)(=C=CMe2)

Basal angles are all about 90°.
Fe-Cvinylidene = 176.0 (7) pm
Cvinylidene-C = 130.9 (9) pm

Solid state structure of [Fe(SnPh3)(CO)(=C=CMe2)h-C5H5)].
CrystalMaker file
Mac/PCMolecule file
Chem3D file

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If you click on the CrystalMaker link above and have configured your browser program properly, you can download the molecule file and open it in CrystalMaker. CrystalMaker is available from The settings you need are:

If you click on the MacMolecule link above and have configured your browser program properly, you can download the molecule file and open it in MacMolecule or PCMolecule. MacMolecule and PCMolecule are available from The settings you need are:

If you click on the Chem3D link above and have configured your browser program properly, you can download the molecule file and open it in Chem3D. Chem3D is available from The settings you need are:


© 1997 Mark Winter
Department of Chemistry at the University of Sheffield, Sheffield S3 7HF, England.