(1-N-p-toluenesulfonyl)ethylamino cyclopentadiene titaniumdichloride

Ortep of complex
Figure 2: View of C14H15Cl2NO2STi showing the labelling of the non-H atoms. Thermal ellipsoids are shown at 40% probability levels.

An interesting feature of this structure is that the oxygen atom O(2) is positioned above the central titanium atom. (manipulation of the chime structure above will clearly show this. The distance Ti-O(2) is 2.556 A, well within bonding distance. As a result of this the N-S=O fragment of the ligand can be regarded as a bidentate fragment in which one of the lone pairs on one of the oxygen atoms coordinates to titanium. An active molecule (in .pdb format) is available here.

Crystal data and structure refinement
Bond lengths and angles

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 Table 1.  Crystal data and structure refinement for 5. 
Empirical formula                 C14 H15 Cl2 N O2 S Ti 
Formula weight                    380.13 
Temperature                       293(2) K 
Wavelength                        0.71073 A 
Crystal system                    triclinic
Space group                       P1
Unit cell dimensions              a = 7.4338(6) A   alpha = 100.247(2) deg. 
                                  b = 7.4756(6) A    beta = 99.117(2) deg. 
                                  c = 15.1740(12) A   gamma = 103.7240(10) deg. 
Volume                            788.15(11) A^3 
Z                                 2 
Density (calculated)              1.602 Mg/m^3 
Absorption coefficient            1.016 mm^-1 
F(000)                            388 
Crystal size                      0.8 x 0.2 x 0.2 mm 
Theta range for data collection   1.39 to 23.32 deg. 
Index ranges                      -7<=h<=8, -8<=k<=8, -16<=l<=12 
reflections collected             2942 
independent reflections           2105 [r(int) = 0.0160] 
refinement method                 full-matrix least-squares on f^2 
data / restraints / parameters    2105 / 0 / 206 
goodness-of-fit on f^2            1.014 
final r indices [i>2sigma(I)]     R1 = 0.0335, wR2 = 0.0917 
R indices (all data)              R1 = 0.0372, wR2 = 0.0945 
Largest diff. peak and hole       0.320 and -0.355 e.A^-3 
           Table 2.   Bond lengths [A] and angles [deg] for 5. 
            Ti-N                          1.963(2) 
            Ti-Cl(1)                      2.2658(10) 
            Ti-Cl(2)                      2.2893(9) 
            Ti-C(11)                      2.341(3) 
            Ti-C(13)                      2.351(3) 
            Ti-C(12)                      2.354(3) 
            Ti-C(14)                      2.355(3) 
            Ti-C(10)                      2.363(3) 
            Ti-O(2)                       2.556(2) 
            Ti-S                          2.9136(9) 
            S-O(1)                        1.432(2) 
            S-O(2)                        1.454(2) 
            S-N                           1.619(2) 
            S-C(1)                        1.752(3) 
            N-C(8)                        1.468(4) 
            C(1)-C(6)                     1.382(5) 
            C(1)-C(2)                     1.387(5) 
            C(2)-C(3)                     1.389(5) 
            C(3)-C(4)                     1.382(6) 
            C(4)-C(5)                     1.377(6) 
            C(4)-C(7)                     1.514(6) 
            C(5)-C(6)                     1.383(5) 
            C(8)-C(9)                     1.511(5) 
            C(9)-C(10)                    1.499(4) 
            C(10)-C(14)                   1.412(5) 
            C(10)-C(11)                   1.414(5) 
            C(11)-C(12)                   1.405(4) 
            C(12)-C(13)                   1.401(5) 
            C(13)-C(14)                   1.414(5) 
            N-Ti-Cl(1)                  112.34(8) 
            N-Ti-Cl(2)                  112.28(8) 
            Cl(1)-Ti-Cl(2)              109.35(4) 
            N-Ti-C(11)                   86.99(11) 
            Cl(1)-Ti-C(11)              141.58(8) 
            Cl(2)-Ti-C(11)               91.60(9) 
            N-Ti-C(13)                  127.37(11) 
            Cl(1)-Ti-C(13)               84.70(9) 
            Cl(2)-Ti-C(13)              107.07(9) 
            C(11)-Ti-C(13)               57.98(12) 
            N-Ti-C(12)                  121.70(11) 
            Cl(1)-Ti-C(12)              115.24(9) 
            Cl(2)-Ti-C(12)               81.34(9) 
            C(11)-Ti-C(12)               34.83(11) 
            C(13)-Ti-C(12)               34.67(12) 
            N-Ti-C(14)                   94.37(11) 
            Cl(1)-Ti-C(14)               86.68(9) 
            Cl(2)-Ti-C(14)              138.94(9) 
            C(11)-Ti-C(14)               57.98(12) 
            C(13)-Ti-C(14)               34.97(11) 
            C(12)-Ti-C(14)               57.82(12) 
            N-Ti-C(10)                   70.62(10) 
            Cl(1)-Ti-C(10)              118.85(9) 
            Cl(2)-Ti-C(10)              126.18(9) 
            C(11)-Ti-C(10)               34.98(11) 
            C(13)-Ti-C(10)               58.11(11) 
            C(12)-Ti-C(10)               57.98(11) 
            C(14)-Ti-C(10)               34.83(11) 
            N-Ti-O(2)                    61.56(9) 
            Cl(1)-Ti-O(2)                80.31(6) 
            Cl(2)-Ti-O(2)                76.33(6) 
            C(11)-Ti-O(2)               137.14(10) 
            C(13)-Ti-O(2)               164.87(10) 
            C(12)-Ti-O(2)               156.23(10) 
            C(14)-Ti-O(2)               144.67(10) 
            C(10)-Ti-O(2)               132.17(9) 
            N-Ti-S                       31.80(7) 
            Cl(1)-Ti-S                   98.60(3) 
            Cl(2)-Ti-S                   92.28(3) 
            C(11)-Ti-S                  112.77(8) 
            C(13)-Ti-S                  158.17(9) 
            C(12)-Ti-S                  145.83(9) 
            C(14)-Ti-S                  123.34(8) 
            C(10)-Ti-S                  102.37(8) 
            O(2)-Ti-S                    29.93(5) 
            O(1)-S-O(2)                 118.70(15) 
            O(1)-S-N                    111.65(14) 
            O(2)-S-N                    100.70(13) 
            O(1)-S-C(1)                 107.82(14) 
            O(2)-S-C(1)                 109.26(15) 
            N-S-C(1)                    108.23(14) 
            O(1)-S-Ti                   125.32(10) 
            O(2)-S-Ti                    61.30(10) 
            N-S-Ti                       39.73(9) 
            C(1)-S-Ti                   124.07(11) 
            C(8)-N-S                    118.54(19) 
            C(8)-N-Ti                   131.52(19) 
            S-N-Ti                      108.47(13) 
            C(6)-C(1)-C(2)              120.4(3) 
            C(6)-C(1)-S                 119.9(3) 
            C(2)-C(1)-S                 119.8(3) 
            S-O(2)-Ti                    88.77(11) 
            C(1)-C(2)-C(3)              118.9(4) 
            C(4)-C(3)-C(2)              121.3(4) 
            C(5)-C(4)-C(3)              118.8(3) 
            C(5)-C(4)-C(7)              120.3(5) 
            C(3)-C(4)-C(7)              120.9(5) 
            C(4)-C(5)-C(6)              121.1(4) 
            C(5)-C(6)-C(1)              119.6(4) 
            N-C(8)-C(9)                 106.8(2) 
            C(10)-C(9)-C(8)             108.9(2) 
            C(14)-C(10)-C(11)           107.3(3) 
            C(14)-C(10)-C(9)            125.4(3) 
            C(11)-C(10)-C(9)            126.7(3) 
            C(14)-C(10)-Ti               72.25(18) 
            C(11)-C(10)-Ti               71.65(17) 
            C(9)-C(10)-Ti               114.3(2) 
            C(12)-C(11)-C(10)           108.4(3) 
            C(12)-C(11)-Ti               73.08(18) 
            C(10)-C(11)-Ti               73.37(18) 
            C(13)-C(12)-C(11)           108.2(3) 
            C(13)-C(12)-Ti               72.55(19) 
            C(11)-C(12)-Ti               72.09(17) 
            C(12)-C(13)-C(14)           107.9(3) 
            C(12)-C(13)-Ti               72.79(18) 
            C(14)-C(13)-Ti               72.67(17) 
            C(10)-C(14)-C(13)           108.2(3) 
            C(10)-C(14)-Ti               72.91(17) 
            C(13)-C(14)-Ti               72.35(18) 

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