V.A. Ostrovskii (all other questions, proposals or information) , Michael Yudintceff (web-master)

St.-Petersburg State Institute of Technology , 198013, St.Petersburg, Russia

Flexible Low-tonnage Tetrazole Production

Tetrazoles in the market of low-tonnage chemistry:

(In line with the patent investigation data, % from exposed patents quantity)

Antibiotics (27.5); Antiallergents (12); Antidepressant (10.5); Regulator of metabolism (7.5); Steroid and enzyme analogues (2.5); cardiology medicinal (2.5); Diagnostic preparates (5); Analytical chemistry (6); plant protections (5); Corrosion inhibitors (6); Components of polymer compositions, among other explosive, propellant and gasogenerator (10.5).

The basic technological scheme for tetrazoles manufacture


The given scheme has been realized on pilot production of Saint Petersburg Technological Institute

(SCTB ãTechnologä, 33a, Sovetsky Prosp. St.Petersburg, 193177, Russia). See Photo on next slide.

In 1989-1995 pilot production has completely supplied both the full requirement of our country and some foreign partners in the following products (I-VII).


In 1990 - 1995 production of this manufacture was demonstrated on international exhibitions : ãLeningrad-90ä, (Croatia), ãChemistry-92ä (Russia), Achema-95 (Germany).

In 1996 manufacture is stopped by the reason of the economic crisis in Russia.


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  1. G.I. Koldobskii, V.A.Ostrovskii, Russian Chemical Reviews, 63, 797 (1994).
  2. V.A.Ostrovskii, V.S.Poplavskii, G.I.Koldobskii, in Future Trends in Chemistry and Chemical Technology (Eds A.S.Dudarev, V.V.Bogdanov), Leningrad: Khimia, 1991, p. 103.