B05 Transition Sturucture of DBFOX/Ph Catalyzed Diels-Alder Reactions

Simplicity of Transition Strucure:
Based on molecular model inspection of the possible transition state structures of R,R-DBFOX/Ph catalyzed asymmetric Diels-Alder reaction, the Re-face of the unsaturated bond of dienophile should be the enantioface participating in the catalyzed reaction. This prediction was verified by experiment: the absolute configuration and enantiomeric purity of endo-cycloadduct were determined by optical rotation and the chiral HPLC analysis (Daicel Chiracel OD with hexane:2-PrOH = 99:1 v/v), respectively. The assigned structure of endo-cycloadduct is (1S,2S,4S)-3'-(bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-en-2-yl)-2'-oxazolidinone.

Square Bipyramidal Complex:
We propose that the reacting catalyst - substrate (dienophile) complex between R,R-DBFOX/Ph´3H2O and 3-acryloyl-2-oxazolidinone is a square bipyramidal structure containing an octahedral nickel ion. Although there is an evidence for the existence of two coordination structures, A and B in solution, the sterically more hindered or p-stacking B should be less reactive than A. Therefore, we suggest that complex B is responsible for the highly selective reaction on the re-face with respect to the "alpha"-carbon of dienophile. This analysis of the transition state structure is consistent with the observed absolute configuration of the endo-cycloadduct. Coordination structures such as A and B are the only possible substrate complexes. This structural simplicity is an important advantage of DBFOX/Ph complexes over the traditional cis-chelating bisoxazoline ligands, where a number of possible substrate complexes make it difficult to analyze the transition state structure.

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